Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has once again urged the federal government to carry out a complete lockdown for two weeks to stop the spread.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah appeared in the Islamabad Accountability Court where he told reporters informally that the spread would be broken only if inter-provincial transport was stopped for two weeks.

The Sindh Chief Minister suggested that inter-city transport should be closed for at least 2 weeks, smart lockdown, micro lockdown, nothing happens.

He said that the steps taken by the Sindh government did not spread the Corona virus epidemic so much, the Sindh government closed inter-city traffic, which reduced the number of cases.

Murad Ali Shah said that the federal government mocked the lockdown of the Sindh government, the government says that the economy has to be saved, although our economy is the weakest, the minister had to be removed due to the destruction of the economy.

The Sindh Chief Minister said that the policies of the Sindh government on corona virus have benefited the entire country, whether they lock down or not, smart lockdown is nothing.

“The corona virus outbreak is very dangerous. I have antibodies. I’m still scared of corona. We don’t have a vaccine equal to salt in flour. We couldn’t get a vaccine, we couldn’t get a vaccine,” he said. ۔

Murad Ali Shah says that Sindh currently has more ventilators than other provinces. Everyone followed the steps of the Sindh government on Corona.


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