The Broadsheet Commission’s investigation report also revealed the record of former President Asif Ali Zardari’s Swiss cases.

The commission recommended to the NAB to open a sealed record of Swiss cases, de-seal the NAB record and review what to do about it.

The commission report said that the record of Swiss cases was delivered to Pakistan in 12 diplomatic bags. All the records of Swiss cases are in the NAB storeroom.

The Broadsheet Commission’s investigation report also includes photographs and indexes of diplomatic bags. The commission’s report has been sent to the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

It is to be noted that the Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice (retd) Azmat Saeed Sheikh has completed the investigation into the Broadsheet case. The report has revealed the wrong payment of 15 1.5 million to the Broadsheet Company.

The investigation report revealed that the record of payment of 15 1.5 million was missing and said that برا 1.5 million was wrongly paid to the broadsheet company.

The commission report said that the payment to the wrong person is a fraud with the state of Pakistan. The payment cannot be termed as mere negligence. Files were stolen from the Ministry of Finance, Law and Attorney General’s Office.

According to the report, part of the registration also disappeared from the payment file from the Pakistan High Commission in London. The Commission has received all the details from the NAB documents.


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