BTS Jungkook’s ‘FIFA Qatar World Cup opening ceremony scene was selected as ‘Best Photo of 2022’ by a luxurious French magazine. The photo shows the moment Jungkook decorated the main highlight with a live performance on the stage of the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Qatar on November 20. Jungkook robbed the eyes of the viewers with only his eyes equipped with intense charisma and a splendid and overwhelming presence.

In addition, Jungkook gave off the ‘unapproachable’ aura of other ‘stage lords’ and a force as if Michael Jackson had been reincarnated, making the audience feel the heat that filled the opening ceremony scene again.

He shines on every stage he performs on!
There is no doubt that when it comes to stage geniuses, BTS’Jungkook is one of the best in K-Pop. He has been praised for his legendary performances! It seems as if ARMY is not the only one who thinks that!

Renowned music critic Kim Young Dae recently wrote an article for Rolling Stones Korea reviewing the group’s latest track, “Butter.” In the article, he praised Jungkook for his presence on stage and compared him to two legendary performers in the business: Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars

Jungkook is so outstanding in creating a sense of rhythm & groove through his staccato & syncopation that he reminds me of Michael Jackson or Bruno Mars.

— Kim Young Dae


It is not the first time that Jungkook has been compared to musical legends. From YouTube creators to even more articles from Rolling Stones, critics and reviewers have compared Jungkook to Michael Jackson when looking at several of the group’s tracks.

In particular, many reviewers and critics have even called Jungkook the “Michael Jackson of South Korea,” looking at his ability to not only produce stunning vocal performances but dominate the stage and captivate any audience.


Although many fans believe that Jungkook is unique, there is no denying how impressive it is to be compared to the “King of Pop” and someone as influential and famous as Michael Jackson! All of the BTS members are multi-talented, showcasing their talents in every way possible on stage, aiming to provide escapism for the ARMY through their music.

Make sure to watch the music video for “Butter” to see exactly what the critics are talking about!


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