Leading Pakistani senior actress and host Iffat Omar has announced that she will vaccinate 10 deserving people against the global epidemic corona virus at her own expense.

Iffat Omar was vaccinated with the corona vaccine late last month, and several of his photos and videos went viral on social media platforms.

These videos and pictures were to reveal that Iffat Omar was taken aback by internet users.

Criticizing Iffat Omar, fans and followers said that she was very critical of the government, but she herself had violated the rights of the elderly and the poor by administering free vaccines.

Criticism from internet users said, “Iffat Omar is neither a 60-year-old nor a paramedic. How did he get the free vaccine?”

Iffat Omar apologized and said on social networking site Twitter that She was “ashamed of her actions”.

Iffat Omar also asked for compensation for the mistake in her tweet, which is now being tweeted by a Twitter user saying, “I like that Iffat Omar has apologized, and she is ashamed of her mistake. It would be better if Iffat Omar bought a private vaccine at her own expense and gave it to deserving people.

Responding to the tweet, Iffat Omar said, “She will vaccinate 10 people at her own expense.”


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