The Incident took place in a heavily guarded upscale Karachi housing society run by the Pakistan Air Force. The attacker fled the scene and remains at large.

Two men were brutally attacked at a housing society in Karachi over a minor parking dispute yesterday night.

Following a verbal spat, the suspect, one Ibrahim Durrani violently attacked two people, whose identity could not be ascertained, with a small Swiss Army knife that can be seen attached to his car keys, injuring two persons in the limits of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Falcon Complex Karachi.

Graphic videos doing rounds on social media show Durrani hurling threats at both victims while a security guard attempts to diffuse the situation. Durrani during the entire verbal exchange is wielding the knife that he later uses to cut and stab the victims.

A bloodied motionless shirtless body of one of the more critically injured victims can later be seen in the video as his terrified family and nearby residents attempt to revive him.

According to police, the suspect fled the scene after the attack. A case has been lodged against the suspect who remains at large.

Reportedly both victims were shifted to a hospital in time and are in stable condition.

Various posts on social media and the attacker’s Linkedin page showed that he is an employee of multinational company Philip Morris International Pakistan, working there since 2012, however, a spokesperson from Philip Morris clarified that Durrani left the company a year ago and no longer works there.

“Despite being a well-guarded and patrolled neighborhood under the management of the PAF, such an incident still took place and the attacker got away as well. Thankfully there was no loss of life”, commented a resident of the housing society who was not a witness.


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