The 26th Constitutional Amendment Bill on holding Senate elections through the open ballot was tabled in the National Assembly.

During the National Assembly session, Federal Law Minister Farogh Naseem introduced the 26th Amendment to the Constitution Bill 2020.

On the occasion of introducing the amendment bill, the opposition protested loudly and made a ruckus and said that the government wants to steal the senate elections.

Opposition members also stopped PML-N member Mohsin Shahnawaz Ranjha from speaking during the protest.

Law Minister Farogh Naseem said that this bill is actually related to holding the Senate election through the open ballot. “Is it unconstitutional to bring constitutional amendments? Amending the constitution is not a violation of the constitution, the Law Minister said.

Farogh Naseem said that declaring the amendment of the constitution as a violation of the constitution, then Allah is the owner, read even a little bit of the constitution, no one wants to steal elections, elections will be transparent.

Due to opposition protests and noise, Law Minister Forough Naseem could not present the details of the constitutional amendment.

Earlier, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has prepared a constitutional package to honour the Senate, which was tabled in the national assembly today.

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz while addressing a press conference along with Babar Awan, Advisor to the Prime Minister said that for the first time in the history of Pakistan, a constitutional package has been prepared for three amendments to the Constitution to honour the Senate, which will be tabled in Parliament early next week.

“In the last senate elections, we expelled 20 of our assembly members in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in suspicion of misused of the votes,” he said.

“There is no precedent for this in the past and present. Our effort is to achieve the goal of making the Senate and other elections transparent,” he said.

“We are trying to ensure that the forthcoming elections are transparent and we are doing whatever legal means are required for it,” he said.

‘For the first time in history, a constitutional package has been prepared’
Babar Awan, Advisor to the Prime Minister, while briefing about the legal steps being taken by the government for the Senate elections.

He said that we also have some reports that rates have been drawn for the Senate elections, conscience has always been bought and votes have been sold to make the House of Federation controversial. We are taking a test case for all the political elites of Pakistan who are inside the parliament.

Babar Awan said that we are giving a road map to all the parliamentary and political parties of Pakistan for accountability so that in this way we can stop horse-trading and buying and selling of votes in the Senate elections.

Talking about the amendment, he said that there are three parts to the amendment which is a bill and it is being taken to the parliament early next week.


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