Six marriage halls and 103 restaurants in Karachi has been shut down for not complying with health guidelines and COVID-19 prevalence, said the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Friday.

The country’s nerve centre in the fight against coronavirus said that it has also instructed all provinces, including Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Islamabad to ensure health guidelines and abidance of protocols.

The NCOC also cautioned the authorities that restaurants and marriage halls were “emerging as the epicentre of the disease”.

Federal minister Asad Umar also warned that indoor restaurants and marriage halls were emerging as “high contributors to the COVID-19 spread”.”NCOC today has directed all provinces and federating units to crack down on SOP violations in these places,” said the minister. 

He emphasised that the country must not allow “irresponsible behaviour” of some individuals to put everyone’s health at risk.


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