LAHORE: The Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) chief, Saad Hussain Rizvi was arrested from Lahore on Monday.

The TLP has started preparation to launch countrywide protest against the arrest. The party has already launched a campaign on social media in this regard.

Local media reported that senior TLP leader Pir Eijaz Ashrafi has confirmed the news saying that the TLP chief was arrested when he arrived to offer prayer at Rehmatullil Aalameen mosque in Iqbal Town.

On Nov 21, 2020, the TLP had announced Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi’s son, Hafiz Saad Rizvi, as his successor.

The announcement in this regard was made on the occasion of the funeral prayer of Khadim Rizvi at Minar e Pakistan. Saad Rizvi had taken oath as chief of the TLP. Earlier he had served as the deputy general secretary of the TLP.


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