An Afghan delegation led by Hezb-e-Wahdat-e Islami Ustad Karim Khalili is arriving Islamabad today [Monday] on a three-day visit to Pakistan.

Foreign Office in a statement said during the visit, Ustad Karim Khalili will call on the Prime Minister and hold meetings with Speaker National Assembly, Foreign Minister and other dignitaries.

The visit of Ustad Karim Khalili is part of Pakistan’s ongoing policy to reach out to political leadership in Afghanistan to forge common understanding on the Afghan peace process and deepen people-to-people linkages.

Pakistan’s fraternal ties with Afghanistan are rooted deep in shared history, faith, culture, values and traditions.

Pakistan fully supports all efforts for peace, stability and prosperity of the Afghan people.

Pakistan remains steadfast in its support for an inclusive, broad-based and comprehensive political solution of the conflict in Afghanistan through an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.


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