Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry said on Saturday that the departure of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to London for medical treatment caused a big setback to the ruling PTI narrative as well as the accountability process.

The federal minister took to Twitter, saying it was stepping in the right direction to approach the British government for the return of the PML-N supreme and to investigate medical studies.

“Those who played a role in drawing up the false reports should be turned into examples,” the minister said in the cryptic message.

Minister of Information Shibli Faraz had promised earlier on Friday that the government “would put Nawaz Sharif back using all available legal means.”

Faraz said the government would approach the National Accountability Bureau, which in effect would ask the foreign ministry to apply to the British government for the extradition of the PML-N supremo.

Referring to an Islamabad High Court ruling earlier this week, he said that if an extension in bail is sought the court had declared its presence necessary.

On 29 October 2019, the IHC granted Nawaz bail on humanitarian grounds in the Al Azizia corruption trial. He also obtained bail from the Lahore High Court on 25 October 2019 in the Chaudhry Sugar Mills case.

Nawaz then left for medical care in London and has been there since.


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