Indian media spread fake news regarding Meesha Shafi, claiming the singer has sentenced to 3-year imprisonment for falsely accusing Ali Zafar of sexual harassment.

The false news spread like a fire on social media. Netizens started to believe without any verification. However, Meesha Shafi has finally spoken regarding the rumors.

She took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and negate all the rumors spreading against her.

Meesha Shafi’s lawyer Asad Jamal refutes all the rumors spreading regarding the singer’s imprisonment and said in a tweet,

“This is with ref to the fake news claiming that my client Meesha Shafi has been sentenced to 3 yrs imprisonment.”

Earlier in September 2019, Ali Zafar had filed an FIR against Meesha Shafi, and eight others for posting defamatory content against him on their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.

The FIR filed by Ali Zafar names Meesha Shafi, Iffat Omar, Ali Gul Pir, Humna Raza, Leena Ghani, Fariya Ayub, Maham Javaid, Syed Faizan Raza, and Haseeemuz Zaman.

They were booked under Section 20 (Offences against the dignity of a natural person) of the PECA and Section 109 (Punishment of abetment) of the Pakistan Penal Code.

According to the FIR, “Some persons are using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram account uploading defamatory posts and doing his [Zafar’s] character assassination on social media to damage his reput in society.”


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