Several world leader including New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed their shock over the incident.


“Disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power,” Johnson tweeted.

New Zealand

Ardern, , said, “What is happening is wrong.` Democracy — the right of people to exercise a vote, have their voice heard and then have that decision upheld peacefully — should never be undone by a mob.”


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed concern about the violent scenes in Washington. “Obviously we’re concerned and we’re following the situation minute by minute,” Trudeau told the News 1130 Vancouver radio station. “I think the American democratic institutions are strong, and hopefully everything will return to normal shortly.”


Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin said in a statement: “The attack on Capitol Hill in Washington DC is a very serious and worrying matter. It shows how important it is to firmly and strongly defend democracy at all times.”


Turkey’s foreign ministry issued a statement expressing concern about the violence and called for calm and common sense while urging its citizens to avoid crowds and the protest area.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a tweet: “I am following with concern the news that are coming from Capitol Hill in Washington. I trust in the strength of America’s democracy.

US Protest

US Capitol Hill in Washington, witnessed unprecedented scenes as violent clashes broke out between supporters of sitting President Donald Trump and the police.

The protesters tore down metal barricades at the bottom of the Capitol’s steps and were met by officers in riot gear.

The violence also included the fatal shooting of a woman.


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