Report: Ghulam Mahdi Lond
LARKANA: Claims of making the Larkana Paris, have been put down the drain by officials of Municipal Corporation, people have lost the tamper and have started crying.
According to the details, the residents of the various areas of Larkana including Gajan Poor Muhalla have been deprived of the proper drainage systems.

The residents of Gajan Poor Muhalla namely Kashif Soomro, Hussain Ashiq, Lateef Dayo, and others told the media that they have been facing number of problems due to the failed system of Municipal Corporation Larkana.
They said that Despite written requests, the incompetent municipal administration could not fix the sewerage system of area. However, it has started draining out water for a few hours on a temporary basis but no permanent solution is being worked out.

Residents of the area have demanded an audit of works and funds, dismissing the mayor’s claims of desalination of drainage across the city of Larkana.
Citizens believe that tug of war between officials against each other has been started to save their skin and escape from responsibilities.